Month: August 2006

  • How to look your best in front of the camera.

    1. When it comes to doing your make-up, don’t fall victim to the saying “more is better”. Use the same shades of make-up that you normally wear and don’t make any radical changes to your looks.
      Remember, you want to ENHANCE your looks with make-up …not cover them up! 
    2. Consider using a professional make-up artist. They are trained to understand camera lighting and angles, and how to accentuate your BEST features and minimize others. HOWEVER, always do a “test run” before the wedding day!
    3. Do a TEST RUN with hair and make-up just the way you are going to wear it on your wedding day. Have someone take several pictures from different angles and with different facial expressions. Then, look at the pictures. Do you like what you see? Too much make-up or not enough? How about the hair style? Too much height or not enough? If something doesn’t look right ­ start again and do another test run until everything looks just right.
      It is important to actually TAKE pictures of yourself because it can give you a different perspective rather than just looking in the mirror.
    4. Make sure that you bring along a small make-up bag to “FRESHEN UP” during the day. All you need is some translucent or pressed powder to absorb any shine and some lipstick. If you’re outside taking pictures, bring along some blotting paper which works great to absorb moisture without rubbing off your make-up.
    5. When discussing the type of pictures to take with your photographer, keep in mind that full length photographs capture all the beauty and magnificence of the wedding dress, wedding attire and beautiful scenery or backdrops. Close-up or half length (above the waist) photographs better capture facial expressions and reveal more emotions. So, it’s a good idea to get a mix of both types of shots.
    6. Particularly if you are taking pictures before the ceremony, remember to RELAX in front of the camera. If you’re feeling nervous or anxious, this can show in the camera by your facial expression, your posture and smile.
    7. On your wedding day, you’re going to be in front of the camera and you’re going to be smiling! Take a break every so often and change your expression and move/exercise the muscles around your mouth. If you don’t, your facial expressions in your photographs may look “strained”.
    8. When taking your wedding portraits, sometimes it’s better to choose a “SIMPLE” background (with nice, soft lighting) rather than an elaborate one. A “busy looking” backdrop or sometimes a floral garden landscape can take away from the picture and distract from the focal point – which is the bride and groom. The location you select should also have plenty of open shade. Bright sunny areas will cause you and your family to squint!
    9. When your photographer is taking candid pictures during the reception, DON’T look at the camera! The beauty of a candid shot is capturing the magic and emotion of a particular moment when people in the photograph are interacting with each other.

  • Oy Vay!

    Just recently Marcia Cross of ABC TV’s Desperate Housewives and Tom Mahoney (Her Stockbroker) got married. Check out this wedding cake. They only had 200 guests, this cake looks like it could feed one thousand! LOL!

    Now that’s one serious Chocohalic. I may have to start watching her show.

    Photo Credit: Star’s Friend

  • Getting ready for September Weddings!

    This upcoming Labor Day weekend is going to be so much fun. I have two very excited clients, Shannon and Richard, who I’m looking forward to photographing on Sept. 2nd at the Montevina Winery in Plymouth, California. I shot their engagement photos a few months ago in San Francisco and all of us have been waiting for the big day. I can’t wait to see what surprises Richard has in store for his new bride,  he is into Star Wars and like me a “A Wild and Crazy Guy”! I think I’ve met my match?! LOL!

  • SINBAD was a knockout!

    There aren’t many comedians that really make me laugh, it takes someone with lots of skill that can show us how stupid our lives are like at times. Sinbads personality and delivery, right from the start of the show, is like he’s speaking right to you and telling you a story. The show at times went a little over the top maybe PG-13, it wasn’t all family friendly like the Fair advertised it really was more for the adults, and it was great! Seated in front of us and I’m sure there were others was the Bailiff from the TV Show Judge Judy Mr.Petri Hawkins Byrd and his wife who live here in Sacramento. Here are some photos I caught from the great seats in front my wife Laura got us!

  • I can’t wait until Thursday Night at the California State Fair!

    We’re seeing Sinbad in person. He’s one of our favorite comedians and we have all of his movies. He tells Great stories instead of just jokes and the show is Clean! It’s so nice seeing a live show and not having to hear four letter words coming out of the mouth of the performer. It takes a real pro to crack me up and this is the man!

    I’m hoping to getting a quick interview and maybe a few photos of Sinbad for a story I’m writing up for my National Press Association that I shoot for, I’ll have to wait to hear back from his publicist.


  • Todays San Francisco Engagement Extravagaza!

    Ok folks, here’s the show from today! This was a lot of work so I hope everyone enjoys my rushed photo shop work and the quickness of retouching and color correcting almost 200 images! It was a blast to just shoot and go everywhere. My couple Tiana and Jeremy were fantastic about everything. We parked our limo so many times illegally on side walks, blocking traffic, you name it. When I saw something we just stopped, jumped out ran to the area and shot, shot, shot then ran back to the limo and were off again. It was like a car chase, it was soooooo much fun. Thanks Tiana and Jeremy, you two were wonderful and I can’t wait until your wedding on December 30th this year.  Randy

    Click Link: 

    Make sure you have your sound on!!


  • Another San Francisco Engagement Shoot Tomorrow, Going to try some new ideas.

    Well its me and my limo picking up Tiana and Jeremy around 8:30am on Saturday and having a blast in the City By The Bay! I love going home and showing off one of the most romantic cities in the world to couples from Sacramento. These two really don’t know the Bay Area that well and they are going to have a ball. I will be shooting some really cool shots in some really busy areas of the City. You’ll see them all here Saturday evening late or Sunday morning. I’m thinking about Union Square, there’s always ton’s of tourists there and lots to shoot and see. Also there are the buildings and the colors that make this area look magical at times. We’ll also shoot some GG Bridge and wharf shots never done before and also have a Web Show to watch as well. So, stay tuned, keep coming back, and if you haven’t already subscribed to receive my daily blog journals then do it now!


  • Love Them Web Shows!

    I would like to publicly Thank David Jay who invented and designed the Showitfast software for photographers. This software is amazing and makes it easy too share a wedding or any event on the web very fast! Here is a little show I put together from my July 29, 2006 wedding in beautiful Lake Tahoe,Nevada. Make sure your sound is on to hear the music.

    Go to web show here:  

  • Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, its off to work I go…

    Finally, I’m getting my couples to come in and place their orders so I can start to work on their Storybook Albums. Here are a few shots of what’s to come!