Month: March 2012

  • I hate this feeling of being threatened by all these amateurs

    I’ve been a professional photographer for more than 34 years, this year I’m witnessing many friends closing shop and going under, and more looking for jobs because so many non-pros are selling off all there work for pennys and the public is shopping price and not quality. The other big problem is that people think its easy to create what we do and oh yea, they have photoshop too and say or I can do that! NOT!! The camera companies tell people that anyone can create beautiful photographs with our super duper cameras….thats a BIG LIE! I’ve had more people the past few years call me and ask if I can help them with their awful photos they got after paying some student with a web site to shoot there $30K wedding and see if I can fix any of them. Sorry I tell them, you should have hired a pro with years of experience and knowledge. The biggest day of their lives, and this is where you cut your budget from?  I wonder if anyone ever said to a great painter…Hey I can do that in Photoshop, you dont need brushes.